History archive

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Never lost for an idea. Since 1989, people from the Alpine Initiative have committed themselves to protecting the mountains they live in. They win every referendum and their style is known all over Europe: competent, convincing and always good for a surprise.

In 2016, the Alpine Initiative handed over its archive (with annual reports and accounts, correspondence, files on actions and campaigns, topic dossiers and printed matter) to the Swiss Social Archives. The holdings can be consulted in the reading room of the Swiss Social Archive without any restrictions on use.

Schweizerisches Sozialarchiv
1 May 2011

September 2011 – Wir feiern den Lastwagen-Silvester

Gemäss Gesetz dürfen 2011 nur noch eine Million Lastwagen die Schweizer Alpen durchqueren. Diese Zahl wurde bereits Ende September erreicht. Die Alpen-Initiative feierte daher symbolisch Silvester mit vier Aktionen in den Alpenkantonen Graubünden, Uri, Tessin und Wallis. Sie forderte den Bundesrat auf, endlich griffige Massnahmen zur Verlagerung des Güterverkehrs auf die Schiene zu beschliessen und die Verfassung zu respektieren.

1 February 2011

February 2011 – NRLA – piggyback transport for trucks!

The Alpine Initiative proposes to introduce a permanent piggyback transport solution for trucks in the Gotthard base tunnel. At the same time, only trucks for local transport are to be permitted in the renovated road tunnel. This concept will enable a “lightweight” renovation, freight transfer in line with Swiss legislation and will lead to increased safety.

1 May 2010

May 2010 – German transport politicians and the Alpine Crossing Exchange

At the invitation of the Alpine Initiative, a group of transport politicians from the German Parliament visited the NRLA (new rail link through the Alps) building site and the heavy goods transport centre in Erstfeld. This enabled the Alpine Initiative to familiarise the group with both Swiss transport policy and the Alpine Crossing Exchange project.

1 February 2010

February 2010 – Expert report

Together with a group of experts, the Alpine Initiative worked out a traffic management proposal for the renovation of the Gotthard road tunnel. All traffic is to be transferred to the Göschenen-Airolo rail tunnel (cars) and the new Erstfeld – Biasca base tunnel (trucks). This has now become the official proposal of the Swiss Federation.

Toni Aschwanden
1 December 2009

December 2009 – World Climate Summit in Copenhagen

During the journey from Brussels to the World Climate Summit in Copenhagen on the international Climate Express, the Alpine Initiative presented European railway stakeholders with its policy ideas for transferring freight from road to rail. The climate-neutral journey was initiated by the International Union of Railways (UIC) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

1 November 2009

December 2009 – The Alpine Initiative in Brussels

On International Mountain Day, the Alpine Initiative let the tones of an alphorn resound around the European Parliament and served dishes from the Alpine area with the help of the canteen chef. In addition to culinary specialties, the information stand also presented a tempting new recipe for the “Alpine Crossing Exchange”.

Die Alpen-Initiative hat in Basel ein Mahnfeuer und eine Fackelschrift gegen die Mega-Trucks am Samstag Abend entzuendet. Copyright Frei. Bitte Urheber :Emanuel Ammon/Alpen-Initiative
1 August 2009

August 2009 – Alpine bonfire in Basel

The Alpine Initiative’s huge torchlight lettering on the old DB goods rail yard drew attention to the threat of megatrucks. At the same time we helped to organize a major anti-megatruck-coalition, recruiting more than 40 members. Cantonal initiatives against megatrucks were organized in about a dozen different Swiss cantons.

© Alpen-Initiative
1 May 2009

May 2009 – Big celebration for a sustainable future

About 250 guests celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Alpine Initiative and the 15th anniversary of the Article on the Protection of the Alps in Flüelen on May 9th. Many prominent figures honoured our event with their presence. We will nevertheless remain a thorn in their side and persistently work towards implementing the Article on the Protection of the Alps.

© Alpen-Initiative
1 December 2008

December 2008 – A smart idea for the Alpine Crossing Exchange

From 14 December 2009 onward, the Intercity 543 from Salzburg to Vienna will be named „Alpentransitbörse“ (Alpine Crossing Exchange) for two years. The name will be announced at each stop and be mentioned in the train timetables, the train information leaflets distributed on the trains, on the train displays and also displayed on the train itself.