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1 November 2016

November 2016

The Alpine initiative rejects the Swiss government’s bill on climate policy. In the area of freight transport, urgent measures have to be taken in order to achieve the climate goals. However, such proposals are largely…

1 October 2016

October 2016

The fourth “Alpine Week” was held in the Bavarian Alpine foothills. If offered participants the opportunity to exchange their experiences, challenges and ideas on the Alpine region. The Alpine Initiative informed the participants about the…

1 September 2016

September 2016

Our work is bearing fruit. The number of transalpine truck trips is continuing to decrease. With additional measures such as a CO2 limit for trucks and the introduction of an Alpine Crossing Exchange, the goal…

1 August 2016

August 2016

This year, the Alpine Initiative lit its traditional warning bonfire on the Simplon Pass. Every day, the pass is crossed by trucks carrying hazardous goods such as fuel oil and solvents. In September, the Swiss…

1 June 2016

June 2016

At the beginning of June, the SBB opens the new Gotthard rail base tunnel. Before it is traversed by the first commercial freight train, SBB CEO Andreas Meyer underlines the importance of this pioneering project:…

1 May 2016

May 2016

Three months after the adoption of the second bore, the Alpine Initiative asks the Swiss Minister of Transport, Doris Leuthard, to transfer goods from road to rail. Its General Assembly in Schwyz adopts a resolution…

BERN 08.02.2016 – Presse Konferenz, NEIN 2. Röhre am Gotthard. Alpen-Initiative, Verein zum Schutz des Alpengebietes vor dem Transitverkehr. Demokratie, . © Béatrice Devènes
1 February 2016

February 2016

At its annual media conference, the Alpine Initiative illustrates, using a study by Heinz Pulver, that all goods can be transported across the Alps by rail. Rail capacity suffices both to reach the transfer goal…

1 February 2016

February 2016

After an intensive referendum campaign, the Alpine Initiative has to accept defeat on 28 February 2016. 57.0% of the Swiss electorate vote in favour of a second bore for the Gotthard road tunnel. This makes…

1 January 2016

January 2016

At the beginning of January, the “No to a second bore at the Gotthard” association launches its referendum campaign with a media conference. In the broad alliance against the second bore, the Alpine Initiative joins…

1 December 2015

December 2015

By failing to increase the HGV charge in the past, the Swiss government has squandered a total of 2.75 billion Swiss francs, or rather, given them away to the truck lobby. In the new transfer…

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