August 2022
The Alpine Initiative submits its “Stop hazardous goods shipments over the Simplon Pass” petition, in which 4,769 people ask the Valais government to demand that the authorities in Bern ban hazardous goods shipments across the…
The Alpine Initiative submits its “Stop hazardous goods shipments over the Simplon Pass” petition, in which 4,769 people ask the Valais government to demand that the authorities in Bern ban hazardous goods shipments across the…
Shipments of hazardous goods across the Simplon Pass are ticking time bombs. This is why the Alpine Initiative launched a petition at its General Meeting in Martigny. It wants the Valais government to ask the…
Forty times a day, trucks carrying hazardous goods across the Simplon Pass run the risk of causing irreparable damage to humans and nature. In an animated film, the Alpine Initiative simulates a possible disaster scenario.…
With a protest on the pass summit, the Alpine Initiative drew attention to the risky transportation of hazardous goods. It demanded a ban on the transport of dangerous goods across the Simplon Pass.
At its AGM, the Alpine Initiative unanimously adopted a resolution that demands a ban on hazardous goods transportation on all transalpine routes.